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Affordable Housing Comes to Pittsburg

Updated: Nov 16, 2023

The New Beacon Villa Provides Quality Housing to Low-Income Families

Concore is thrilled to announce the completion of their construction management work on the Beacon Villa Apartments Pittsburg, CA, a new affordable housing community developed by premiere affordable housing developer Meta Housing. The Beacon Villa is comprised of five residential buildings with 54 residential units, including one mixed-use building featuring approximately 2,800 sq ft of ground floor commercial retail and office space. All residential units have fully-equipped kitchens and bathrooms. The Beacon Villa is now accepting families and individual applicants with incomes between 50% and 70% of the area’s median income.

The timing of the Beacon’s opening is welcome as the need for affordable housing in the state keeps growing. California has six million low-income renters, and more than one million extremely low-income renters. “California has doubled housing production of new affordable homes in the past 3 years, but is still s only funding 16% of what it needs to meet its goals,” according to the 2022 California Housing Needs Report.

Concore and its cohorts, a collaborative team, which included architects, general contractors, engineers and skilled subcontractors, were faced with some complex conditions that arose during the project. But through effective team work, constant communication, collaboration, and perseverence all issues were worked out. Concore’s construction management role was notable in some instances to help mitigate concerns and move things forward. Concore's efforts to keep things on track were reflected in constructability reviews, communications and reporting: quality control, value engineering, dealing with planning and schedule delays, managing material price increases and budget constraints, and more.

To learn more about rental opportunities at the Beacon Villa click here:


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