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The Construction Manager Role: Pay Attention to Scheduling

Everyone associated with a commercial construction project should pay close attention to scheduling. But it is the construction manager (CM) who shoulders most of the management responsibilities for ensuring that a commercial build is successfully constructed from beginning to end.

Paying Attention and Monitoring

Why pay close attention to the scheduling of a construction job for a property you own or are closely involved in? Because not paying close attention is akin to falling asleep at the wheel—and we all know where that can lead. Of course, a construction job that stays on schedule is more likely to stay on budget and help improve the bottom line.

Developers hire a construction manager for this very reason. There are too many interlocking pieces that transpire during a commercial build not to do so. When a construction schedule gets behind things can start to break down. Without question, staying out front of it all, monitoring and making changes when necessary to reduce costs, is all part of the CM’s job.

Accurate Reporting and Quality Control

When changes occur to a construction schedule, the entire schedule needs to be updated, and those involved needs to be informed of the scope and duration of how a change will impact their role. There are some sophisticated software programs available for that. But CMs need people around him they can rely on for accurate reporting. For a CM to get an accurate assessment of any aspect of a project, it starts with getting updates from someone who is directly involved in a specific task, and having them convey that information in a timely fashion to help mitigate any potential construction delays. Everyone relies on an accurate schedule that leaves little room for ambiguity. If one aspect of a build gets delayed you can bet it’s going to impact the start of many others.

No one wants construction costs to skyrocket. So, when a construction manager is overseeing multiple tasks, they are acting at the highest level as a quality control specialist. Doing so pays huge rewards, such as reducing costs, maintaining an established budget, saving time, keeping morale high, and facilitating relationship among key players on site, and more.

Anticipation and Assessing Risks

Quality control as it relates to scheduling also entails assessing risks and anticipating how the schedule could be impacted. This implies a host of variables, among them, setting a high standard for communication. This can result in increased productivity, especially when the general contractor, architect, superintendent, engineers and other essential workers are on the same page about the best way to accomplish a task.

A skilled CM responsibly coordinates every aspect of the construction and brings a varied team under one roof, resulting in one goal: the successful completion of a commercial build. The CM is the overseer and the enforcer, the communication liaison to the developer, the contact person to ensure fluidity, and the person who makes certain that the finished product successfully matches the owner's desire for a high quality, well constructed building.

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1 comentario

23 jun 2023

Thanks for the blog loaded with so much information. It's really informative.


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